waltandcharity: The O.G.
waltandcharity: Mt. Jefferson
waltandcharity: The perfect Baby Builder - 4 hours late
waltandcharity: Gone Huntin'
waltandcharity: Blue and gray Hiawatha
waltandcharity: Waiting its turn
waltandcharity: Evening race
waltandcharity: Front Facial
waltandcharity: Prepping the Lake Shore Limited
waltandcharity: AMT 2016 departing Newark 01252024
waltandcharity: Load of passengers for New Year's Eve
waltandcharity: The perfect Rapido specimen
waltandcharity: AMT 642 at North Phil 06062019
waltandcharity: AMT 503 Salt Lake City, UT early 1993
waltandcharity: Acela part 2
waltandcharity: CDTX 2101 departing Sacramento 03242021
waltandcharity: Old, new, and older
waltandcharity: NJT 4659 and AMT 668 at Trenton 05212024
waltandcharity: Double ended Metroliner
waltandcharity: AMT 2021 passing Harrison 01242024
waltandcharity: AMT 631 at Trenton 01232024
waltandcharity: NJT 4604 at Trenton 01232024
waltandcharity: NJT 4604, adn 4608 with AMT 614 at Trenton 01232024
waltandcharity: AMT 407 Salt Lake City, UT 1993
waltandcharity: AMT 311 Denver, CO April 27, 1993 The Pioneer at Denver after a collision with a vehicle in Eaton, CO.
waltandcharity: Roasted Toaster
waltandcharity: AMT 9643 at North Phil 06062019
waltandcharity: AMT 38, 90251 in Portland 05112023
waltandcharity: AMT 137 at OKC with 35008 12062020
waltandcharity: Heritage unit in Seattle