awfulsteelmelon: Luminous birches (IR 720nm)
awfulsteelmelon: Rural peace (720nm infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Church with view (infrared 720nm)
awfulsteelmelon: Nostalgia (360° mono infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Just some goat
awfulsteelmelon: Spruce² (false-color INFRARED)
awfulsteelmelon: Solitude (B&W infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Frosty fields 360°
awfulsteelmelon: Candy birches (false-color infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Summer idyll (false-color IR)
awfulsteelmelon: In the old days.. (720nm infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Summertime (mono IR)
awfulsteelmelon: Birches in white (infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Plateau (720nm infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Cold winter evening
awfulsteelmelon: Spring weather (infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Where things are still ok.. (mono IR)
awfulsteelmelon: The shadows (720nm mono)
awfulsteelmelon: False-color landscape IV (720nm)
awfulsteelmelon: luminosity III (infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: The wave (720nm infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Inter-dimensional being (720nm infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Sunlit meadow (720nm infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Impending darkness (720nm infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: What's this?
awfulsteelmelon: Rosa noir (720nm infrared)
awfulsteelmelon: Winter sunset 360°
awfulsteelmelon: Post-sunset calmness
awfulsteelmelon: Black puddle (720nm IR mono)