Pat Pat AI: Helico! Ready to go...
Pat Pat AI: Going to town
Pat Pat AI: Batman as a young boy
Pat Pat AI: A curious cow
Pat Pat AI: A new life!
Pat Pat AI: Série 14: some cars (2)
Pat Pat AI: Série 14: some cars (1)
Pat Pat AI: Sad little girl
Pat Pat AI: Just don't trust these guys
Pat Pat AI: Paysage en bleu
Pat Pat AI: Mushrooms of Paradise
Pat Pat AI: L'univers dans une bouteille
Pat Pat AI: New York Today: snowstorm
Pat Pat AI: Ballet
Pat Pat AI: Le vieil homme et la mer
Pat Pat AI: Living on earth tomorrow
Pat Pat AI: Winter
Pat Pat AI: Cataclysme
Pat Pat AI: Japan
Pat Pat AI: Punk!
Pat Pat AI: Father & sons conquistadors
Pat Pat AI: In times of war...
Pat Pat AI: It's New Year! Let's dance!
Pat Pat AI: Winter fantasia
Pat Pat AI: Un chien attend son maître
Pat Pat AI: The jumping frog
Pat Pat AI: Forest
Pat Pat AI: Happy like a red fish
Pat Pat AI: Red fish swimming in the air according to Magritte