smormocea: cormorant
smormocea: black headed gull water landing
smormocea: seagull in flight
smormocea: eurasian nuthatch
smormocea: black headed gull spread wings
smormocea: male bullfinch
smormocea: female bullfinch
smormocea: carrion crow - on field
smormocea: red kyte with spread wings
smormocea: wood pigeon field
smormocea: Eurasian Wren 2
smormocea: Eurasian Wren 3
smormocea: Eurasian Wren 1
smormocea: Common kestrel hovering windmill
smormocea: red kite diving
smormocea: swallow feeding her young
smormocea: ruddy turnstone
smormocea: curious sparrow
smormocea: blue tit wings up
smormocea: Fieldfare - worm in beak
smormocea: A hooded crow flying over the Danube
smormocea: White wagtail
smormocea: young ostrich through a fence
smormocea: jay on pile of wood
smormocea: seagull cux
smormocea: peacock
smormocea: green woodpecker
smormocea: flock of geese
smormocea: uhu zoo
smormocea: Seagull