Charida Resident: Dawn of the Year at Borkum
Charida Resident: Dawn of the Year at Borkum
Charida Resident: Dawn of the Year at Borkum
Charida Resident: A Cloud of Leaves
Charida Resident: Dawn at Borkum
Charida Resident: Happy Day
Charida Resident: Plowing through sand on a chilly day
Charida Resident: Signs of Life
Charida Resident: Vantage Point
Charida Resident: Let's go to the Lighthouse!
Charida Resident: Easter Celebration
Charida Resident: Hens and Chicks
Charida Resident: Overgrown Piano and Hollyhocks
Charida Resident: Up at the Lighthouse
Charida Resident: Borkum in Winter
Charida Resident: Birds gathering around food source
Charida Resident: No rowing today...
Charida Resident: Waiting for the ice to thaw
Charida Resident: Warm Haven in the Cold
Charida Resident: Warm Haven in the Cold (clouds moved)
Charida Resident: White Horses in the Snow
Charida Resident: White Horses in the Snow
Charida Resident: A Cold Heron
Charida Resident: Content after finishing a difficult compostion
Charida Resident: 2 Red-crowned Cranes
Charida Resident: Sneaking up on some fawns