Steph L.:
"That doesn't look like any penguin I've seen back home...."
Steph L.:
Fairy Penguins (still dumb)
Steph L.:
Fairy Penguins Playing Follow the Leader
Steph L.:
Bored Now
Steph L.:
Yes, We Look Calm, But We Could Turn You Into Lunch In 3 Seconds
Steph L.:
Liv, Chillin'
Steph L.:
Cashmere and a Deceptively Calm Owen
Steph L.:
Cheez-It Bits Are Best Served on a Lap
Steph L.:
"What are YOU looking at, birdie?"
Steph L.:
"Spare some change, man?"
Steph L.:
Can You Find the Rhino?
Steph L.:
Baby Gorilla! (See note on photo.)
Steph L.:
Very grainy photo of the whole group (minus me, duh)