foto guy Terry: Light of the Sun
Heffordphoto: Snowy Owl
sandra bourgeois: Petite nyctale - Northern saw-whet owl
Laval Roy: 1.07456 Inca céleste (obscura) / Coeligena coeligena obscura / Bronzy Inca (obscura) / Inca Bronceado (obscura)
tjohn611: A Red In The Greens, Pawlet, VT
Heffordphoto: Barred Owl
karehav: blizzard
karehav: grand haven lighthouse
karehav: Frozen Tahquamenon Falls
karehav: mackinaw bridge on a sunny cold morning
Kirk Lougheed: Badwater Polygons
paullangton: Glencoe
Turk Images: Great Gray Owl
NicoleW0000: Snowy Owl ready to launch
Devill Photography: Great Grey Owl
Devill Photography: Great Grey Owl
Devill Photography: Great Grey Owl
NicoleW0000: Barred Owl hunting the fields
jan-loup: Ibis falcinelle / Plegadis falcinellus / Glossy Ibis
J.Hunter Photography: Great Gray Owl
Jem Salmon: Woodland
Aaron Springer: Windblown Beach Berm
Aaron Springer: Late January Sunburst
Kirk Lougheed: Streamers
lukaszW75: 390A8265
petertamas97: Snowy Owl _L6A8674
Say "Wasabi": Whiteout