donovan_terry: "What a pretty perch"
donovan_terry: Dragonfly pauses on stem
donovan_terry: Blue dasher perches on stalk
donovan_terry: Dragonfly against dahlias
donovan_terry: Blue dasher looks for prey
donovan_terry: Blue dasher rests on stem
donovan_terry: Blue dasher rests on twig
donovan_terry: Pink perch
donovan_terry: Thornbush dasher on verbena
donovan_terry: Amberwing on leaf
donovan_terry: Blue dasher perches on salvia
donovan_terry: Blue dasher rests nearby
donovan_terry: Fence offers perch for dragonfly
donovan_terry: Dragonfly pauses on salvia
donovan_terry: Female blue dasher
donovan_terry: Blue dasher perches on old bud
donovan_terry: Dragonfly perches on cosmos
donovan_terry: Dragonfly rests on borage
donovan_terry: Eastern amberwing on borage
donovan_terry: Eastern amberwing dragonfly
donovan_terry: Dragonfly stares at camera
donovan_terry: Dragonfly pauses on leaf
donovan_terry: Halloween pennant clings to plant
donovan_terry: Halloween pennant profile
donovan_terry: Dragonfly and farm visitors
donovan_terry: Hungry spider