j . h .: marching one by one
j . h .: So I walked into the backyard,
j . h .: petit fleur
j . h .: So I walked into the backyard,
j . h .: So I walked into the backyard,
j . h .: So I walked into the backyard,
j . h .: bribery.
j . h .: channeling my domestic goddess
j . h .: You know you're a photographer when, after dropping your cashews, your first thought after "darn," is, "that would make a cool shot."
j . h .: radiate
j . h .: serenity
j . h .: a hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap
j . h .: a barrel and a heap and I'm talkin' in my sleep
j . h .: detail
j . h .: why only one heart?
j . h .: .: joy forever :.
j . h .: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
j . h .: radiate (take 2)
j . h .: wherever you go, there you are.
j . h .: paint
j . h .: "envy comes from peoples' ignorance of, or lack of belief, in their own gifts."
j . h .: vulnerability
j . h .: In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.