nkguyot: IMGP2070
nkguyot: IMGP1976
nkguyot: IMGP1958
nkguyot: IMGP2712
nkguyot: IMGP2657
nkguyot: IMGP2622
nkguyot: IMGP2496
nkguyot: compIMGP2454
nkguyot: papaillon5
nkguyot: IMGP19342
nkguyot: 40x30 300ppp IMGP1810
nkguyot: Tulipes
nkguyot: Guêpe et marguerite jaune
nkguyot: Abeille et lavande
nkguyot: Abeille et lavande
nkguyot: IMGP3023
nkguyot: IMGP3010
nkguyot: IMGP3133
nkguyot: IMGP2997
nkguyot: IMGP2827
nkguyot: le flambé
nkguyot: 1st attempt with the 100mm Macro
nkguyot: Soufré
nkguyot: Common blue
nkguyot: Common blue in a not so good shape