Winston Everlast:
Haiku and Senryu
Winston Everlast:
When I Use Senryu
Winston Everlast:
When I Use Haiku
Winston Everlast:
Anyone Can Find
Winston Everlast:
Watch Your Breath And You
Winston Everlast:
Promises And Pie
Winston Everlast:
What Is Beyond Change?
Winston Everlast:
This Is What She Gets
Winston Everlast:
When The Morning Comes
Winston Everlast:
Alone And Waiting
Winston Everlast:
When You Are Old I
Winston Everlast:
I Like Cats and She
Winston Everlast:
I Wonder About
Winston Everlast:
Alone I Come Or
Winston Everlast:
If Our Kids Can't Draw
Winston Everlast:
If Only Humans
Winston Everlast:
After The Storm Leaves
Winston Everlast:
On The Horizon
Winston Everlast:
The More We Try To
Winston Everlast:
Learning Something New
Winston Everlast:
The Dog Is Waiting
Winston Everlast:
Once The Ark Was Done
Winston Everlast:
Cicadas At Night
Winston Everlast:
Where Do You Think We
Winston Everlast:
I Know You Mean It
Winston Everlast:
Remember That Time
Winston Everlast:
Look Over The Edge!
Winston Everlast:
Everyday Your Mom
Winston Everlast:
When You Think About
Winston Everlast:
Sometime We Forget