qpetnature: DSC_4627 Blondie
qpetnature: Barefoot in wellies
qpetnature: walking in wellies in mud & woods
qpetnature: Gold spangled pantyhose & Nora's
qpetnature: In my pink fluffy hand knitted mohair jumper
qpetnature: Found a branch to sit upon but the sun was setting fast
qpetnature: Found a branch to sit upon but the sun was setting fast
qpetnature: _DSC7836
qpetnature: putting food out for the birds
qpetnature: putting food out for the birds
qpetnature: putting food out for the birds
qpetnature: Out walking in my folded down wellies
qpetnature: Out walking in my folded down wellies
qpetnature: _DSC8174
qpetnature: _DSC8168
qpetnature: _DSC8166
qpetnature: _DSC8165
qpetnature: _DSC8164
qpetnature: _DSC8162
qpetnature: _DSC8161 wet wellies in the pool, had to wash them before wearing them, covered in mud from digging pool out
qpetnature: _DSC8160 ride'm cowgirl
qpetnature: _DSC8159
qpetnature: _DSC8156
qpetnature: _DSC8154
qpetnature: _DSC8153
qpetnature: Wet July walk