Dan-Photos: Unknown Moth
Dan-Photos: Leafhopper - unknown species, maybe some kind of sharpshooter
Dan-Photos: unknown beetle
Dan-Photos: unknown fly with brown wings
Dan-Photos: Orb weaver (unsure on species)
Dan-Photos: Moth, unsure of species
Dan-Photos: Crane fly (unsure on species)
Dan-Photos: Black Carpenter Bee (not sure on specific type)
Dan-Photos: Unidentified Sweat Bee
Dan-Photos: Not sure, possibly a sedge sprite
Dan-Photos: False Underwing (?)
Dan-Photos: Eastern Forktail(?)
Dan-Photos: Some type of Ancylis moth
Dan-Photos: Unknown bug
Dan-Photos: Bumble Flower Beetle (?)
Dan-Photos: Frilly Grass Tubeworm Moth(?)
Dan-Photos: Crane fly with dots on antenna
Dan-Photos: Large maple spanworm moth
Dan-Photos: Plecia
Dan-Photos: Pitch-eating Weevil(?)
Dan-Photos: Leafhopper (unknown species)
Dan-Photos: Unknown Fly (Pegomya?)
Dan-Photos: Moth (Scirpophaga?)
Dan-Photos: Sand Wasp (unknown species)
Dan-Photos: Bristle Fly or Feather Fly?
Dan-Photos: Promachus Robber Fly (unsure of species)
Dan-Photos: Longjawed Orbweaver (Unsure of species)
Dan-Photos: Damselfly, unsure of species
Dan-Photos: Atlantic Bluet
Dan-Photos: Damselfly, unsure of species