tripfee1: Cheese....welll for the camera at least
tripfee1: Always with the mouth open...
tripfee1: Aren't you glad you didn't have the Shirley Temple?
tripfee1: Partial eclipse of Hernandez
tripfee1: Rebecca being silent!
tripfee1: Ricky & Lucy
tripfee1: Hello Ziggy
tripfee1: Thumbs up, it's done!
tripfee1: Dana & Jeanine and their Bikini Bottoms
tripfee1: As in that's how many wings Elliot ate
tripfee1: What remains....
tripfee1: Allison threatens...that last potato skin is MINE
tripfee1: ITP Reunion time
tripfee1: Boricuas unite!
tripfee1: Mama T
tripfee1: a coy moment
tripfee1: SY praising the troops
tripfee1: Elisa in a curtain of fire
tripfee1: April...hands at her side finally
tripfee1: Professors 1 & 2
tripfee1: Matching glasses
tripfee1: Papa Hsu
tripfee1: Sean thinking about what he's going to miss
tripfee1: Mark, blusing at Steve's compliments
tripfee1: Jazz always throwing the gang signs
tripfee1: Schweaty MC