Natural is best: Evening glow. Sun sinking down in the Dordogne.
Natural is best: Early morning light, Dordogne
Natural is best: Early morning at the millstone, Dordogne
Natural is best: Working in the fields, Dordogne
Natural is best: There's a storm brewing. Dordogne
Natural is best: The windmill at twilight, Dordogne
Natural is best: Red sky at night, shepherds delight
Natural is best: There's a storm coming
Natural is best: Sunrise in the Dordogne
Natural is best: A storm builds
Natural is best: Evening glow, time for a aperitif
Natural is best: Morning has broken, sitting at the millstone
Natural is best: Windmill, Dordogne
Natural is best: Windmill gite, Dordogne
Natural is best: Photographer or model?