Natural is best: Soho square, pigeon
Natural is best: Soho, near Berwick street
Natural is best: National theatre, South Bank
Natural is best: South bank, Old Tower Wharf, tables & chairs
Natural is best: Little houses, Victoria
Natural is best: Hyde park, deckchairs
Natural is best: Bicycles on the tow path, Regents canal
Natural is best: Narrow boat folk. Regents canal, Islington
Natural is best: Bicycle and narrow boats, Regents canal
Natural is best: Swan, Regents canal
Natural is best: Cooking oil planter. Gardens off Charing X Rd
Natural is best: Shard with flair. London bridge
Natural is best: Demolition site, London
Natural is best: Pillars of the original Blackfriars railway bridge
Natural is best: Horse's head, Phoenix gardens
Natural is best: No, no, no!
Natural is best: Water feature, City of London
Natural is best: Black office block, City of London
Natural is best: Wet street with figure, City of London
Natural is best: Wet street & railings, City of London
Natural is best: I'm happy
Natural is best: Slightly derelict, Wharf Road, Islington
Natural is best: View of Blackfriars bridge through train window
Natural is best: Cannon street and Tower bridges from moving train
Natural is best: Sunset from the train
Natural is best: Alleyway, West End
Natural is best: City Road. Old Street, London
Natural is best: National gallery. Trafalgar square, wet day
Natural is best: Passage, Spialfields
Natural is best: I'm just hangin around. Petticoat Lane