Natural is best: Serpentine gallery 2
Natural is best: Frightened rabbit
Natural is best: Frit rabbit, close up
Natural is best: Serpentine gallery
Natural is best: TEETH. Welcome collection
Natural is best: Teeth, mask, Welcome collection
Natural is best: Dentist's chair, Teeth, Welcome Collection
Natural is best: Fractured image
Natural is best: Climbing the stairs
Natural is best: From the top
Natural is best: Ornate srairway
Natural is best: Staircase in blue.
Natural is best: View of Dover Street
Natural is best: Bust with ears
Natural is best: Vision shift, slightly queezy sensation
Natural is best: Emaciated rabbit Buddha
Natural is best: Emaciated Buddha with ears
Natural is best: Spiral staircase, Wellcome collection
Natural is best: Legs, the White Cube
Natural is best: Table, White Cube
Natural is best: Tables, White Cube
Natural is best: ESP. Magic show, Wellcome collection
Natural is best: Magic show, exhibition, Wellcome collection
Natural is best: Conjuring set. Magic show, Wellcome collection.
Natural is best: City Road. Old Street, London
Natural is best: Portico. Stained glass panels
Natural is best: Stained glass, doorway, figure
Natural is best: Towering sculpture