krs1970: Shooting a model shoot
krs1970: Into the darkness he went
krs1970: Walk on by
krs1970: Caught in the light
krs1970: The red jacket
krs1970: Chasing his own shadow
krs1970: Tip toe
krs1970: Who's hiding in the shadows?
krs1970: Pugs are cute 🐶
krs1970: Side lighting
krs1970: Behind you ladies!
krs1970: Mid stride
krs1970: A house and a rainbow
krs1970: A Glasgow sunstar
krs1970: Auckland pier
krs1970: A woman and arches
krs1970: Something red and a sticker
krs1970: Green day
krs1970: Steps
krs1970: More steps
krs1970: Out for a walk
krs1970: Colours galore
krs1970: Reflection and shadows
krs1970: Grafitti and a couple
krs1970: Blue tones
krs1970: Shadow patterns
krs1970: Run!
krs1970: Escelators
krs1970: Selfie
krs1970: Up she goes