Sons of Hotspur: Ward LaFrance M1A1 10-Ton 6x6 Heavy Wrecking Truck
Sons of Hotspur: Dodge WC22 1/2 Ton Truck
Sons of Hotspur: Austin K5 General Cargo Truck
Sons of Hotspur: Diamond T 969A Wrecker.
Sons of Hotspur: Reo 7 1/2-ton Truck-Trailer
Sons of Hotspur: Scammell Pioneer TRMU 30 6x4 Tank Transporter
Sons of Hotspur: GMC CCKW 2 1/2-Ton “Deuce & A Half” Truck
Sons of Hotspur: Willys MB Airborne Jeep
Sons of Hotspur: T19 105mm Howitzer Gun Motor Carriage
Sons of Hotspur: Guy Quad Ant Field Artillery Tractor
Sons of Hotspur: Morris Commercial C8 Field Artillery Tractor
Sons of Hotspur: Loyd Carrier
Sons of Hotspur: Scammell Pioneer SV2S 6x4 Recovery Vehicle
Sons of Hotspur: FV601 Alvis Saladin Armoured Car
Sons of Hotspur: Fordson W.O.T 6 Truck
Sons of Hotspur: FV603 Alvis Saracen Armoured Personnel Carrier
Sons of Hotspur: FV432 Armoured Personnel Carrier With 30mm Rarden Turret
Sons of Hotspur: FV601 Alvis Saladin Armoured Car
Sons of Hotspur: DAF YA 126 Truck
Sons of Hotspur: AEC Militant Mk I Truck
Sons of Hotspur: Foden FH70 Limber Truck