south jersey1: Wayne Klaw_Photo finish_Digital Advanced
south jersey1: Susan Williams_Lucky Dice_Prints Advanced
south jersey1: Susan Spitz_Summer Dreams_Prints Advanced
south jersey1: Susan Spitz_Crossing Paths_Digital Advanced
south jersey1: Michele Martello_Cycling Still_Digital Advanced
south jersey1: Joann Richichi_Running Bear in search of Salmon_Digital Advanced
south jersey1: Joann Richichi_Need a ride_Prints Advanced
south jersey1: Jane Kelly_Thru the Eye of the Malinois_Digital Advanced
south jersey1: Honorable Mention_Michael Naddo_Using Your Head_Digital Advanced
south jersey1: Honorable Mention_Anushka Iyer_Sun-lit_Prints Advanced
south jersey1: Dwayne Botnick_Abstract Fall Colors Flowing River_Digital Advanced
south jersey1: Diane Irrgang_Tidings Bridge_Prints Advanced
south jersey1: Brad Stern_My Road Ahead_Digital Advanced
south jersey1: Andre Mills_Ride em Cowboy_Digital Advanced
south jersey1: 3rd Place_Vivian Lewis_Its A Wild Ride_Digital Advanced
south jersey1: 3rd Place_Dwayne Botnick_Glade Creek Grist Mill WV_Prints Advanced
south jersey1: 2ns Place_Andre Mills_Come_Prints Advanced
south jersey1: 2nd Place_Ron DAlonzo_Who needs a rod and reel_Digital Advanced
south jersey1: 1st Place_Michele Martello_The Resting Place_Prints Advanced
south jersey1: 1sr Place_Diane Irrgang_catch and twist_Digital Advanced