south jersey1: Victoria Gordon_Socked In_Digital Beginner
south jersey1: Martin Kavanagh_This is only a test photo- Not the Challenge Photo_Digital Intermediate
south jersey1: Martin Kavanagh_Christmas Time at the Edge of Town-0700378_Digital Intermediate
south jersey1: Connie Wagner_Monkey Tales_Digital Intermediate
south jersey1: 3rd Place_Debbie Bigos_Mourning Dove in Winter_Prints Intermediate
south jersey1: 3rd Place_Cynthia Mezick_Into The Sunrise_Digital Intermediate
south jersey1: 2nd Place_Debbie Bigos_O Christmas Tree_Digital Intermediate
south jersey1: 2nd Place_Connie Wagner_Frozen Twig_Prints Intermediate
south jersey1: 1st Place_Leo Pelletier_Good Night Philly_Digital Intermediate
south jersey1: 1st Place_Leo Pelletier_Atlantus Sleeps_Prints Intermediate