Aperture Agog: Empty Pool
Aperture Agog: Punk rock kids at teh pool
Aperture Agog: Thermals
Aperture Agog: CIMG0011
Aperture Agog: Thermals...
Aperture Agog: Yay Thermals!
Aperture Agog: More thermals rockin
Aperture Agog: cool tat
Aperture Agog: TTTThermals
Aperture Agog: Ted Leo
Aperture Agog: Gotta get the feet in
Aperture Agog: what up people?
Aperture Agog: Big Margarita's are best
Aperture Agog: Um, more shadow, i have issues
Aperture Agog: Shadows
Aperture Agog: Bike walking
Aperture Agog: CIMG0056