tothemax555: California Vole peeking out of the ground
tothemax555: Eastern Gray Squirrel
tothemax555: Eastern Gray Squirrel up close
tothemax555: Young Gray Squirrel
tothemax555: Nelson's Antelope Squirrel
tothemax555: Nelson's Antelope Squirrel in a saltbush
tothemax555: Nelson's Antelope Squirrel
tothemax555: Nelson's Antelope Squirrel
tothemax555: Nelson's Antelope Squirrel portrait
tothemax555: Botta's Pocket Gopher
tothemax555: Arizona Gray Squirrel
tothemax555: Cliff Chipmunk
tothemax555: Cliff Chipmunk
tothemax555: California Vole
tothemax555: California Vole feeding
tothemax555: Kangaroo Rat
tothemax555: Kangaroo Rat
tothemax555: Mice under a coverboard
tothemax555: California Voles
tothemax555: California Ground Squirrel behind boulder
tothemax555: Chubby California Ground Squirrel
tothemax555: California Ground Squirrel at burrow
tothemax555: Arizona Gray Squirrel eating a mushroom
tothemax555: Mouse in its nest
tothemax555: Arizona Gray Squirrel taking a drink
tothemax555: Arizona Gray Squirrel
tothemax555: Chipmunk portrait
tothemax555: Yellow-bellied Marmot in habitat
tothemax555: Yellow-bellied Marmot standing up in the alpine tundra
tothemax555: Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel