tothemax555: Black-bellied Plover
tothemax555: Osprey flying
tothemax555: Osprey shaking off the wets
tothemax555: Osprey flying
tothemax555: Sanderling scratching its beak
tothemax555: Sanderling
tothemax555: Black Skimmer portrait
tothemax555: American Herring Gull
tothemax555: American Herring Gull
tothemax555: Black Skimmer
tothemax555: Laughing Gull flying
tothemax555: Laughing Gull flying
tothemax555: Laughing Gull flying
tothemax555: Snowy Egret
tothemax555: Immature Ring-billed Gull
tothemax555: Forster's Tern flying
tothemax555: Forster's Tern flying
tothemax555: Female Red-breasted Merganser
tothemax555: Female Red-breasted Merganser
tothemax555: Drooling Red-breasted Merganser
tothemax555: Laughing Gull
tothemax555: Ring-billed Gull portrait
tothemax555: Royal Tern with wings splayed
tothemax555: Royal Tern resting
tothemax555: Sandwich Tern
tothemax555: Royal Tern preening
tothemax555: Sandwich Tern
tothemax555: Immature Lesser Black-backed Gull
tothemax555: Roseatte Spoonbill
tothemax555: Roseatte Spoonbill portrait