arunakalu: Duck (Golden Eye?)
R.Smrekar: Aletschgletscher - Wallis - Switzerland
seandarcy2: Siskin_Z9B7893-NR
seandarcy2: Nuthatch_Z9B7988-NR
jzeeu: DSC_7026
Ju Ferraz Fotografias: Yup Star - Roda Gigante - Foz do Iguaçu
arunakalu: Elk at Bow Valley Parkway
Andrzej Kocot: The two of us forever
Cheryl - Vickypoint: Creative version of Crown Casino, Sydney. Multiple exposures in-camera
Bruno Morcel: Chevalier gambette Tringa totanus - Common Redshank
prajakudon: Chiang Mai Flower Gest AA
rogman333: The Associate
Pete Vielhaber: The Hogback Bridge
ride0583: Beverly Beach State Park, Newport, OR
Sue Milks (gone birding): Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis cardinalis) - 20231231-03
beranekp: 2013-05-04 Paeonia russoi var. reverchonii - BG Teplice
Anna_Soffia: GT8A8218
Jani-Lee: The world is changing all around her, but, she still maintains her dignity.
nitinpatel2: Eastern Screech-Owl
nitinpatel2: House Finch
rogman333: “hard day”
Verte Ruelle: At the Hofvijver
nitinpatel2: American Goldfinch
Jani-Lee: Worth The Effort!
Jani-Lee: Almost Finished
Athazen: White-Throated Sparrow 9784
Athazen: Northern Cardinal 10296
Jani-Lee: It was a feeding frenzy! This one got the best seat in the house - he just has to hang on for a few seconds more!