Katy Pick: Waco (“Spider Man”). Toronto
Katy Pick: Waco (“Spider Man”). Toronto
Katy Pick: The One. Going up to 338 m
Katy Pick: The One Bloor W. & Ukraine
Katy Pick: Early spring in Toronto, ON
Katy Pick: Early spring in Toronto, ON
Katy Pick: Early spring in Toronto, ON
Katy Pick: Glen Gould. The Best Canadian
Katy Pick: Glen Gould. The Best Canadian
Katy Pick: Glen Gould. The Best Canadian
Katy Pick: Glen Gould. The Best Canadian
Katy Pick: Early morning in Toronto
Katy Pick: Detention of dangerous criminal in stolen U-Haul truck at Carton St. & Church St. Today in Toronto
Katy Pick: Detention of dangerous criminal in stolen U-Haul truck at Carton St.&Church St. Today in Toronto
Katy Pick: Detention of dangerous criminal in stolen U-Haul truck at Carton St. & Church St. Today in Toronto
Katy Pick: Detention of dangerous criminal in stolen U-Haul truck at Carton St & Church St. Today in Toronto
Katy Pick: Dundas Square, Toronto
Katy Pick: Monsters from Mask. I'm speechless!
Katy Pick: Monsters from Mask. I'm speechless!
Katy Pick: Yonge & Carlton St. Toronto
Katy Pick: Jarvis & Wellesley, Toronto
Katy Pick: Jarvis & Wellesley, Toronto
Katy Pick: Jarvis & Carlton, Toronto
Katy Pick: Busy days, busy run. At Bloor St E & Ted Rodgers Way, Toronto
Katy Pick: Morning in Toronto
Katy Pick: February morning in Toronto,ON
Katy Pick: Streets of Toronto
Katy Pick: Streets of Toronto
Katy Pick: February night in Toronto
Katy Pick: Day after St.Valentine celebration. Toronto