7thWright: Falklands Stanley Mar 2017 068
7thWright: Gentoo Penguins
7thWright: Silver Teal
7thWright: Falklands Bleaker Mar 2017 100
7thWright: Gentoo Penguins
7thWright: Long-tailed Meadowlark
7thWright: Imperial Cormorant
7thWright: Falkland Skua
7thWright: Two-banded Plover
7thWright: Falklands Bleaker Mar 2017 030
7thWright: Macaroni Penguin
7thWright: Falkland Skua and Cormorants
7thWright: Imperial Cormorant
7thWright: Yellow-billed Teal
7thWright: Falklands Bleaker Mar 2017 092
7thWright: Falklands Bleaker Mar 2017 090
7thWright: Falkland Skuas and Cormorants
7thWright: Falkland Skuas and Cormorants
7thWright: Imperial Cormorant
7thWright: Gentoo Penguins
7thWright: Falkland Skua
7thWright: Snoey Sheathbill
7thWright: Kelp Gull
7thWright: Snoey Sheathbill
7thWright: Long-tailed Meadowlark
7thWright: Dolphin Gull
7thWright: Crested Duck
7thWright: Crested Duck
7thWright: Crested Duck
7thWright: Yellow-billed Teal