pleech96: 1.Architectural Reflections 3
pleech96: 2. Architectural Reflections 5
pleech96: 5. Cardiff Bay
pleech96: 7. Minimalist
pleech96: 8. Architectural Reflections 10
pleech96: 10. Cardiff Capital Centre
pleech96: 12. Premier Inn Cardiff
pleech96: 14. Architectural Reflections 7
pleech96: 17. Architectural Reflections 12
pleech96: 28. Millenium Stadium in Cardiff
pleech96: 28a. Architectural Reflections 2
pleech96: 62. Llanthony8
pleech96: 74 cosmeston medieval village
pleech96: 95. Bonvilston Church
pleech96: 103. Convent in Lisbon
pleech96: M2. A5. Nash Point Lighthouse
pleech96: M2. A5. Protecting Durham
pleech96: M5. A5. Hampton Court
pleech96: M6. A5. The Old Office Post WFH
pleech96: M7. A5. Cardiff Castle
pleech96: M7. A5. Birmingham Shopping
pleech96: M7. A5. Barcelona
pleech96: M8. A5. Opening Cardiff Castle
pleech96: M9. A5. Peaky Blinders' Forge
pleech96: M9. A5. Victoria and her Legacy
pleech96: M9. A5. Barcelona Catalan Art Gallery
pleech96: Birmingham Victoriana, coloured
pleech96: P1. A5. Church in Portugal
pleech96: P1. A5. War Memorial, Barry
pleech96: P2.A5. Millenium Market