maitrey.c: Wonders of Wetlands! [Great White Pelicans]
maitrey.c: Wonders of Wetlands! [Eurasian Spoonbills]
maitrey.c: Wonders of Wetlands! [Lesser Flamingos + Great White Pelicans]
maitrey.c: Wonders of Wetlands! (Black Storks, Egrets, Spoonbills, Ruffs, Gulls)
maitrey.c: Wonders of Wetlands! [Lesser Flamingo]
maitrey.c: Wonders of Wetlands! (Painted Storks)
maitrey.c: Wonders of Wetlands! [The pattern]
maitrey.c: Wonders of Wetlands! [Ruffs and Black Winged Stilts]
maitrey.c: Wonders of Wetlands! [Eastern Imperial Eagle]
maitrey.c: Great White Pelican wing span!
maitrey.c: Eurasian Spoonbill wing span!
maitrey.c: Beautifully Black-necked!
maitrey.c: In Sync!
maitrey.c: The morning glow!
maitrey.c: Wonders of Wetlands! (Juvenile Lesser Flaminogs)
maitrey.c: A spotted Redshank
maitrey.c: Keeping a check while preying!
maitrey.c: Bar-headed goose (Anser Indicus)