the self-taught:
Waiting for the morning twilight
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The Garzaia. At dusk, Little Egrets, Cattle Egrets and Cormorants gather to spend the night in their favorite dormitory.
the self-taught:
The Garzaia. At dusk, Little Egrets, Cattle Egrets and Cormorants gather to spend the night in their favorite dormitory, creating an effect of flowering trees.
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Calopteryx virgo
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Butterfly Podalirio Iphiclides podalirius
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Green lizard (Lacerta viridis)
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marsh Hawk Falco di palude
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Great crested grebe - Podiceps cristatus - Svasso maggiore
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Zygaena filipendulae falene
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Butterfly - Melitaea didyma
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Praying mantis
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A close encounter
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La Madonnina Naturalistic Oasis
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La Madonnina Naturalistic Oasis
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Hypnotic look
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Cormorant in nuptial livery visible in spring. Intent on nest building.
the self-taught:
La Madonnina Naturalistic Oasis
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the self-taught:
marsh Hawk Falco di palude
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Roe deer at sunset Capriolo al tramonto
the self-taught:
Calopteryx virgo
the self-taught:
Rosehip Rosa canina
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Capriolo giovane maschio Young roe deer male
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Svasso maggiore - Great grebe
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Cicogna bianca, Oasi Naturalistica La Madonnina
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Stazione di servizio per uccelli
the self-taught:
Antistress Stress-free