chapellerose: The Promise
chapellerose: The Secret Life of Tomatoes
chapellerose: The Blue Madonna
chapellerose: The Sweet Grass
chapellerose: The Blue Road
chapellerose: Vestiges Romaines
chapellerose: Cat Magic
chapellerose: The Photographer Rests!
chapellerose: Summer Solstice in Castèra-Lectourois
chapellerose: This First Sunny Day - Photograph by David Tothill
chapellerose: Arrivals and Departures
chapellerose: Stopping Time
chapellerose: Bachhus Makes a House Call
chapellerose: Stopping by the Roadside in June
chapellerose: The Old Road to Agen
chapellerose: Child's Play
chapellerose: Sunday afternoon...
chapellerose: New Neighbor
chapellerose: Albert and his Cows;;;
chapellerose: The Light in France
chapellerose: Waiting for dark...
chapellerose: The Salad
chapellerose: The Quince Lover
chapellerose: La Petite Sorcière
chapellerose: The Age of Polyphony
chapellerose: Easy Rider
chapellerose: Strangers in Paradise
chapellerose: Limelight
chapellerose: Chasing the Light...
chapellerose: Return