1840-1945 Photography: Biermann Coat of Arms
1840-1945 Photography: Padro Coat of arms
1840-1945 Photography: Gonçalo Mendes Da Maia, 1079-1170
1840-1945 Photography: Don Juan Ponce de León, 1st Governor of Puerto Rico. 1474-1521
1840-1945 Photography: Capitán Baltazar Juan Castaño de Sosa 1545-1595
1840-1945 Photography: 1640 Diego Lopez Pacheo, duke of Escalona. (1599-1653
1840-1945 Photography: Nachmann and Tsipa (Mednik) Loytershteyn, Starokonstantinov, 2 Nov. 1899. They had 16 children.
1840-1945 Photography: Nachmann and Tsipa (Mednik) Loytershteyn, Starokonstantinov, 2 Nov. 1899. They had 16 children.
1840-1945 Photography: IMG_20230805_0022
1840-1945 Photography: Abba Saravaisky and Khana Bluma Saravaisky, c.1901, Vitebsk
1840-1945 Photography: Pesach Saravaisky and Chava (Gener) c.1902
1840-1945 Photography: Khaim Epschtein and Marcia (Rodin) c.1906
1840-1945 Photography: Josef and Max Saravaisky, Vitebsk
1840-1945 Photography: IMG_20230806_0015
1840-1945 Photography: Jacob Epstein, 1910
1840-1945 Photography: IMG_20230805_0030
1840-1945 Photography: IMG_20230806_0002
1840-1945 Photography: Pesach Saravaisky, 1908
1840-1945 Photography: IMG_20230805_00291
1840-1945 Photography: IMG_20230806_0001
1840-1945 Photography: Josef and Max Saravaisky, Vitebsk
1840-1945 Photography: Nusia Loystershteyn with her parents Yakov and Esther (Leschiner), Odessa, 1910.
1840-1945 Photography: Nusia Loystershteyn with her parents Yakov and Esther (Leschiner), Odessa, 1910.
1840-1945 Photography: David Kaplun and Rachel Bierman, 1911
1840-1945 Photography: 20230225_020228
1840-1945 Photography: Sarah and Benjamin Epstein, c.1914
1840-1945 Photography: Rachel Bierman, with children Genya Louis and Minnie
1840-1945 Photography: IMG_20230806_0003
1840-1945 Photography: IMG_20230224_0028
1840-1945 Photography: David Yitzchak Kaplan c.1915