Legophantomworks: Something different: Yellow LXF/LPW Kenworth W900s and Peterbilt 379
Legophantomworks: Something different: Yellow LXF/LPW Kenworth W900s and Peterbilt 379
Legophantomworks: Something different: Yellow LXF/LPW Kenworth W900s and Peterbilt 379
Legophantomworks: Something different: Yellow LXF/LPW Kenworth W900s and Peterbilt 379
Legophantomworks: Something different: Yellow LXF/LPW Kenworth W900s and Peterbilt 379
Legophantomworks: LPW/Yellow LXF Peterbilt 379 with maxi-trailer
Legophantomworks: LPW/Yellow LXF Peterbilt 379 with maxi-trailer
Legophantomworks: LPW/Yellow LXF Peterbilt 379 with maxi-trailer
Legophantomworks: Something different: Yellow LXF/LPW Kenworth W900s and Peterbilt 379
Legophantomworks: Weyerhaeuser Truck
Legophantomworks: Weyerhaeuser Truck
Legophantomworks: Weyerhaeuser Truck
Legophantomworks: LPW/Yellow LXF/Iceilator Weyerhaeuser Kenworth T800s
Legophantomworks: LPW/Yellow LXF Kenworth T800 + Possum-Belly Wood-chip trailer.
Legophantomworks: LPW/Yellow LXF Kenworth T800 + Possum-Belly Wood-chip trailer.
Legophantomworks: LPW/Yellow LXF Kenworth T800 + Possum-Belly Wood-chip trailer.
Legophantomworks: LPW/Yellow LXF Kenworth T800 + Possum-Belly Wood-chip trailer.