agebi89: Kranhaus
agebi89: Kölner Dom
agebi89: translucent?
agebi89: Bruder Klaus Feldkapelle
agebi89: old&new Westminster
agebi89: Truro Cathedral
agebi89: Rathaus Thun
agebi89: Circle segment with rectangels
agebi89: Southwark Ensemble
agebi89: Bicycle stand
agebi89: Facade Princess Gate
agebi89: white slats
agebi89: Malakoffturm
agebi89: famous network
agebi89: Chapel with heaven
agebi89: square shadows
agebi89: courtyard with tree
agebi89: Entrance Stedelijk Museum
agebi89: tent of triangles
agebi89: Towers with trees
agebi89: Outdoor lighting
agebi89: known adress
agebi89: Entrance area Van Gogh museum
agebi89: connected
agebi89: waterloo station
agebi89: hanging bridge
agebi89: tiny cube- big grid
agebi89: London a building site
agebi89: two buildings and a cloud
agebi89: different materials