debputman: Taking a Break
debputman: Blue Morph Snow Goose
debputman: Northerner Shovelers
debputman: Shake a leg
debputman: Female Shoveler
debputman: Male and Female Northern Shoveler
debputman: Trumpeter Swans
debputman: Bald Eagle Meditation
debputman: Mid morning snack
debputman: Where's Waldo?
debputman: Hitchcock Flashback
debputman: Evening Trumpeter Swans
debputman: A Ringed Neck Duck
debputman: Ringed Necked Pair
debputman: Trumpeter Swans
debputman: Yum, yum, yum, yummmm
debputman: Put your right foot out, and shake it all about!
debputman: Taadaaah!
debputman: Sandhill cranes in flight
debputman: Snow flurries and flight
debputman: Female Northern Shoveler
debputman: Dancing Sandhill Cranes
debputman: Sandhill crane yoga stance
debputman: Jedi Sandhill Cranes
debputman: Sandhill crane migration
debputman: Meadowlark
debputman: Red Winged Black Bird
debputman: Look at that!
debputman: A horse, of course
debputman: Out standing in the field