B. Crisp: His Name is Phuhuc...
B. Crisp: - لو على قلبي -
B. Crisp: Here Without You...
B. Crisp: Oye Mujer...
B. Crisp: Lejos Conmigo...
B. Crisp: The Joke's On You...
B. Crisp: You Went Back To What You Know...
B. Crisp: I Rather You Not Love Me...
B. Crisp: - ادرينالين -
B. Crisp: - لما تكوني -
B. Crisp: That's Not What You Said Before...
B. Crisp: Otro Amor Que Ma Olvido...
B. Crisp: Quizás, Quizás, Quizás...
B. Crisp: "How Is The Weather?" She Asked...
B. Crisp: - جرب شحال من واحد -
B. Crisp: - سكر -
B. Crisp: Debieras irte lejos, pero lejos conmigo...
B. Crisp: - ضايع مني ضايع -
B. Crisp: ....
B. Crisp: - الحنين في القلب نار -
B. Crisp: La Niña De Mis Ojos...
B. Crisp: Wayward Sons...
B. Crisp: Chapter One...
B. Crisp: The Boy Who Murdered Love...
B. Crisp: Sun In My Eyes...
B. Crisp: - شاغل قلوب الناس وياك -
B. Crisp: Mi Pedazo De Sol...
B. Crisp: I Feel Like The Color Blue...
B. Crisp: - حاول ترجع تقرب مني -