Jojo 9886: IMG_20220401_200646721
Jojo 9886: A003 - 20220401_135537
Jojo 9886: A013 - 20220401_135038
Jojo 9886: IMG_20220330_152418916
Jojo 9886: DSC08763
Jojo 9886: DSC00721
Jojo 9886: Closet match for this is Cortinarius, maybe a purpurasrens due to pale spore print. No noticeable scent or taste.
Jojo 9886: Xerocomellus pruinatus
Jojo 9886: Cheilymenia fimicola
Jojo 9886: Geastrum michelianum
Jojo 9886: Bulgaria inquinans - Black Bulgar
Jojo 9886: Tiny shroom hiding in the grass.