Michael_Jo888: garden fern
Michael_Jo888: Flowering Japanese Apricot Tree / Prunus mume 'Beni-chidori' Tree
Michael_Jo888: Local gas station
Michael_Jo888: pink flowers on a tree
Michael_Jo888: L-street lamp
Michael_Jo888: coca-cola can
Michael_Jo888: food truck alley
Michael_Jo888: abandoned manor house
Michael_Jo888: benches in the rain
Michael_Jo888: the gate
Michael_Jo888: horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)
Michael_Jo888: lilacs flowers (Syringa vulgaris)
Michael_Jo888: tree with reflection
Michael_Jo888: kwiczoł - fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) 1/2
Michael_Jo888: kwiczoł - fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) 2/2
Michael_Jo888: motorbike Mad Max style
Michael_Jo888: rocky terraces
Michael_Jo888: storm coming around the corner
Michael_Jo888: misty valley
Michael_Jo888: emerald lake reflection
Michael_Jo888: The Gothic Gate
Michael_Jo888: window frame
Michael_Jo888: small waterfall
Michael_Jo888: lonely house
Michael_Jo888: to go in or not to go in?
Michael_Jo888: fireworks 3/3
Michael_Jo888: fireworks 2/3
Michael_Jo888: fireworks 1/3