WiDo_1956: Nilgans auf dem Baldeneysee - DSCF5614
WiDo_1956: Lina
WiDo_1956: Lina
WiDo_1956: Catch it
WiDo_1956: Time to go to bed…
WiDo_1956: am Wegesrand - DSCF8288
WiDo_1956: Collie Experimental - DSCF8361
WiDo_1956: Blässhuhn - Jungvogel - Fulica atra - DSCF8855
WiDo_1956: It´s mine, shure? - DSCF9475
WiDo_1956: Seagull - DSCF9113
WiDo_1956: Lina & Bruno - DSCF0624
WiDo_1956: Am Wegesrand - DSCF1178
WiDo_1956: Am Wegesrand - DSCF1172
WiDo_1956: Der schlaue Swinegel - DSCF1944
WiDo_1956: Nutria in der Ruhr - DSCF5969
WiDo_1956: Good morning XT501340
WiDo_1956: Animal for MM
WiDo_1956: Jungschwan / Mosel
WiDo_1956: wild boars - XT505283
WiDo_1956: Dog - XT505366
WiDo_1956: Rotkehlchen (Erithacus) - XT507969
WiDo_1956: Honigbiene (Apis mellifera) - XT508039
WiDo_1956: Schwäne am Phoenixsee - XT508274