barbkosta: Something to Think About, Not Just on Sunday, But Every Day
barbkosta: Psalm 90:12
barbkosta: Isaiah 26:4 The Lord is an Everlasting Rock
barbkosta: Life is Daily
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barbkosta: Prayer is the breath of the soul, the organ by which we receive Christ into our parched and withered hearts: O. Hallesby
barbkosta: God provides wisdom to those ask
barbkosta: God Works in Mysterious Ways
barbkosta: The Name of the Lord Is to Be Praised
barbkosta: ...You Alone, O Lord, Make Me Dwell in Safety
barbkosta: Psalm 71, Posting On My 80th Birthday, April 27, 2023.
barbkosta: When evil seems too much to bear, God says to think about these things.
barbkosta: Faith-is-born-sky
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barbkosta: When You Write
barbkosta: Joyful Resurrection Day!
barbkosta: Red Sunset