Heidi crossdresser: Blowing smoke
Heidi crossdresser: Inhaling, and enjoying a cigarette in my cigarette holder
Heidi crossdresser: Smoking with my cigarette holder
Heidi crossdresser: I love smoking using my cigarette holder
Heidi crossdresser: Enjoying a cigarette
Heidi crossdresser: Somebody is watching me
Heidi crossdresser: Lighting up my cigarette
Heidi crossdresser: Damn it, Heidi. You can't go to the shower with glasses and full makeup on. Think twice before you turn on the water ☔😅
Heidi crossdresser: In the elevator on my way out
Heidi crossdresser: Lighting up another cigarette
Heidi crossdresser: Dreaming about you
Heidi crossdresser: Landed on my back in my bed. Now lying there waiting... 💋
Heidi crossdresser: Lying on my bed
Heidi crossdresser: Stretching my legs
Heidi crossdresser: Oh no, I'm falling backwards
Heidi crossdresser: Sitting nicely waiting
Heidi crossdresser: Need to go to the bathroom
Heidi crossdresser: Can I go out and eat like this at a restaurant? Maybe with you?
Heidi crossdresser: Dressed again in my long black dress. Need to get out of this hotel room and hit the city
Heidi crossdresser: Out for another cigarette
Heidi crossdresser: Love when the smoke just leaves my mouth and rises into the air
Heidi crossdresser: I love it when the smoke quietly leaves my mouth
Heidi crossdresser: Outside, on my cigarette break
Heidi crossdresser: I could sit here all day, but do I have to? Or will you pick me up?
Heidi crossdresser: Sitting waiting in pink
Heidi crossdresser: It is a bit cold today
Heidi crossdresser: Ready next to my bed
Heidi crossdresser: Ups, nearly falling down
Heidi crossdresser: Posing in pink
Heidi crossdresser: I like my pink boots