m.lebel: Jeff Koons - La Retrospective - Exposition au Centre Pompidou du 26 novembre 2014 au 27 avril 2015
m.lebel: Inflatable flowers, 1978 (vynil and mirrors) - Inflatable flower and Bunny, 1979 (vinyl and mirrors) - Inflatable flowers, 1979 (vinyl, mirrors and acrylic)
m.lebel: New Hoover Deluxe Shampoo Polishers, 1980 (2 shampoo polishers acrylic and fluorescent lights)
m.lebel: Teapot, 1979 (Théière) de Jeff Koons
m.lebel: New Hoover Convertibles Green, Green, Red - New Hoover Deluxe Shampoo Polishers - New Shelton wet & dry 5 Gallon Displaced tripledecker, 1981 - 1987 by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: New Hoover Deluxe Shampoo Polishers, 1980 (Nouvelles shampouineuses Hoover Deluxe)
m.lebel: New Hoover Convertible green, 1980 (Nouvel aspirateurconvertible Hoover) de Jeff Koons
m.lebel: 2 - Liberty Bell (Cloche de la Liberté), 2006-2014 (bronze, bois, fer forgé et fonte - bronze, wood, wrought iron and cast iron) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: 1 - Liberty Bell (Cloche de la Liberté), 2006-2014 (bronze, bois, fer forgé et fonte - bronze, wood, wrought iron and cast iron) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: Antiquity (Manet) - Antiquité (Manet), 2010 - 2014 (huile sur toile -oil on canvas) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: Antiquity 3, 2009-2011, Antiquité 3 (huile sur toile - oil on canvas) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: Bourgeois Bust - Jeff and Ilona, 1991 (Buste bourgeois - Jeff et Ilona) marbre - marble by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: Popeye, 2009- 2011 (mirror-polished stainless steel with transparent color coating - acier inoxydable poli miroir et vernis transparent) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: 1 - Gazing Ball (Farnese Hercules) - Boule réfléchissante (Hercule Farnèse), 2013 (Plaster and glass - Plâtre et verre) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: 2 - Gazing Ball (Farnese Hercules) - Boule réfléchissante (Hercule Farnèse), 2013 (Plaster and glass - Plâtre et verre) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: 1 - Gazing Ball (Ariadne) - Boule réfléchissante (Ariane), 2013 (Plaster and glass - Plâtre et verre) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: 2 - Gazing Ball (Ariadne) - Boule réfléchissante (Ariane), 2013 (Plaster and glass - Plâtre et verre) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: Christ and the Lamb - Le Christ et l'Agneau, 1988 (bois doré et miroir - gilded wood and mirror) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: Mickael Jackson and Bubbles, 1988 (porcelaine) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: Kiepenkerl - Colporteur, 1987 (acier inoxydable - stainless steel) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: Self-portrait, Autoportrait, 1991(marbre - marble) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: 1 - Affiches publicitaires, 1986 (encres grasses sur toile - oil inks on canvas) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: 2 - Affiche publicitaire, 1986 (encres grasses sur toile - oil inks on canvas) by Jeff Koons
m.lebel: 4 - Affiche publicitaire, 1986 (encres grasses sur toile - oil inks on canvas)
m.lebel: 3 - Affiche publicitaire, 1983 (panneau publicitaire lithographié, marouflé sur coton
m.lebel: Moon (Light blue) - Lune (bleu clair), 1995-2000(acier inoxydable, miroir poli, vernis transparent) 1 des 5 versions uniques
m.lebel: Hanging Heart (Red & gold) - Cœur suspendu (Rouge & or), 1994 to 2000 (Acier inoxydable, miroir poli, vernis transparent et laiton) 1 des 5 versions uniques
m.lebel: Bob Hope, 1986 (acier inoxydable, stainlesse steel)
m.lebel: Pail (seau) - Travel Bar (Bar de voyage) - Baccarat Crystal Set (service en baccarat), 1986(acier inoxydable, stainless steel)
m.lebel: Rabbit - Lapin, 1986 (acier inoxydable - stainless steel) by Jeff Koons