Pamela Anne's Photography:
Welcome to Westmont!!!!!!
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Train time!!!!!!
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Down at the depot I
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Going home
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Down at the depot II
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Waiting room
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Back alleys
Pamela Anne's Photography:
When it's time to relax
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Reflections on the holidays I
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Open for business
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Reflections on the holidays II
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Oh Christmas tree!!!!!
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Dinner anyone???
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Sea of lights
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Waiting in the rain for a train
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Taking shelter
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Hedge magic
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Pamela Anne's Photography:
West wing
Pamela Anne's Photography:
Lonely walk