railsofnyc: Providence and Worcester FPCH- East Elmhurst, New York
railsofnyc: Over and Under
railsofnyc: Sunset on Hell Gate
railsofnyc: Triple Arches
railsofnyc: CSX Y102- Hell Gate Bridge
railsofnyc: Providence and Worcester FPCH- Jackson Heights
railsofnyc: Providence and Worcester FPCH- Astoria, New York
railsofnyc: Providence and Worcester FPCH- Hell Gate Bridge
railsofnyc: Providence and Worcester FPCH- Astoria, New York
railsofnyc: Providence and Worcester FPCH- Hell Gate Bridge
railsofnyc: Providence and Worcester FPCH- Astoria, New York
railsofnyc: Back to The Bronx
railsofnyc: New York and Atlantic Railway RS40- Glendale, New York
railsofnyc: RS41 in the Park
railsofnyc: "The City Dont Sleep"
railsofnyc: CSX Y102- Jackson Heights
railsofnyc: Top Of The World
railsofnyc: NYAR RS41- Forest Park
railsofnyc: Last Time, For Now
railsofnyc: The Jewel of The Bronx
railsofnyc: Almost Home
railsofnyc: Over Under in the Heart of Astoria
railsofnyc: The Untrendy Part of LIC
railsofnyc: Stop & Stor
railsofnyc: Into The Light
railsofnyc: Splitting Metro
railsofnyc: Lining Switches
railsofnyc: FPCH or CHFP
railsofnyc: "Who Knew Bushwick Had a Yacht Club?"
railsofnyc: Remnants of the Past