Gabriel Margaca: Satiro Della Valle
Gabriel Margaca: Satiro Della Valle
Gabriel Margaca: Artemis of Ephesus
Gabriel Margaca: Boy Strangling a Goose
Gabriel Margaca: Boy Strangling a Goose
Gabriel Margaca: Statue of Asclepius
Gabriel Margaca: Statue of Asclepius
Gabriel Margaca: Statue of Asclepius
Gabriel Margaca: The Capitoline Venus
Gabriel Margaca: The Capitoline Venus
Gabriel Margaca: Sarcophagus with Scenes from the Life of Achilles
Gabriel Margaca: Bust of Emperor Caracalla
Gabriel Margaca: Bust of Emperor Caracalla
Gabriel Margaca: Infant Caracalla as Hercules Strangling Serpents
Gabriel Margaca: Infant Caracalla as Hercules Strangling Serpents
Gabriel Margaca: Infant Caracalla as Hercules Strangling Serpents
Gabriel Margaca: Gladiatore di Monnot
Gabriel Margaca: Gladiatore di Monnot
Gabriel Margaca: Statue of Winged Psyche
Gabriel Margaca: Statue of Winged Psyche
Gabriel Margaca: Statue of Winged Psyche
Gabriel Margaca: “Capitoline Galatian” aka the “Dying Gaul”
Gabriel Margaca: “Capitoline Galatian” aka the “Dying Gaul”
Gabriel Margaca: Bust of Septimius Severus
Gabriel Margaca: Bust of Septimius Severus
Gabriel Margaca: Bust of Septimius Severus