osman.durak: '“Let there be light,” and there was light'
osman.durak: cat of the month♥️
osman.durak: Cat of the month♥️non, he is not naughty / il n'est pas méchant:)
osman.durak: a freezing February morning in downtown
osman.durak: Kodjatepe Mosque NorthWest façade
minus2point4: Pistachio Kadayif 👍
minus2point4: 🇨🇦
minus2point4: Morning wash
minus2point4: The Porsche
minus2point4: Two Tone Rolex Submariner Ref.No.16613
minus2point4: Garage times..
minus2point4: 2012 Istanbul - Kings of Convenience
minus2point4: Lavazza Crema 👍
minus2point4: Midnight mood
jasminlu1: XX826XX
A.Reef (slow): In Awe of Deep Cove
Macs Pics: Waiting on the silence
Macs Pics: Dried flax flowers
Macs Pics: Days end at low tide
Macs Pics: After the summer rain
Macs Pics: Holding the charge
Eve C44: Pont Éric TABARLY
Eve C44: Place Graslin
Eve C44: Vue du Dôme de L'église de Notre Dame de Bon Port
Planet explorer 1: Bigfoot sightings
sandhya.bhattaram: “Music gives colour to the air of the moment.”
sandhya.bhattaram: "The tunnel's tapestry, woven with lights"
Lef Kevrekidis: ...sailing ship !