bobmullen777: Prairie Warbler 8-31-24
NicoleW0000: White tailed Fawn
Gilbert Rolland: Paruline masquée - Common Yellowthroat
Jose Lozada Nature Photography: Bandurria austral!!
ricketdi: Wood Thrush / Grive des bois ( Richard )
Carsten Bahnsen: Haubentaucher / Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): and suddenly Elephants move onto the path......
Rod Waddington: Ik Tribe, Uganda
Bernie Duhamel: Burrowing Owl
ericnzhou: Red Fox
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Sanderling (URN: 2736)
Cloudfree: Buffy Fish Owl, Ketupa ketupu. Bali Bird Park
Quellin Images: Hybos culiciformis. HFDF
Jambo53 (): Approaching Common Buzzard!
Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC6048 _ Elegant Tern with fish !
Ger Bosma: Caspia's Finest
(bbarsalo): Ibis à cou noir - Threskiornis molucca - Australian White Ibis
(bbarsalo): Ibis à cou noir - Threskiornis molucca - Australian White Ibis
(bbarsalo): Presque au bout du monde
lfalterbauer: 2I1A1181-Edit1
ken.helal: Let the Battle Begin Great tit
PETEJLB: Red-footed Falcon
philippe.vitel29: Cerf élaphe dans les derniers rayons du soleil couchant .
jwsteffelaar: DSC09789 Veraguan Mango, Anthracothorax veraguensis.
jwsteffelaar: DSC09687 Veraguan Mango (m), Anthracothorax veraguensis.
alainclement: Withe headed Bee-eater - Guepier a front blanc
lokiblacksheep: DBJ_0157
gaetdi: Viréo à tête bleue Blue-headed vireo - Vireo solitarius
Nick288: Martin pêcheur d'Amérique - Belted Kingfisher