PJBearSL: 2186: Shopping at #bigGIrl Event
PJBearSL: 2187: Shopping at #bigGIrl Event
PJBearSL: 3252: At Zoo-Palooza 3
PJBearSL: 3242: At Zoo-Palooza 3
PJBearSL: 3252: At Zoo-Palooza 3
PJBearSL: 3306: Bellisseria Party 09
PJBearSL: 3305: Bellisseria Party 08
PJBearSL: 3299: Bellisseria Party 02
PJBearSL: 3307: Poses Next to Railroad tracks in Sakura
PJBearSL: 3310: Shobu Statoin
PJBearSL: 3311: Waits on the Train
PJBearSL: 3313: Stands on platform at end of train
PJBearSL: 3315: Changes Seating position
PJBearSL: 3316: Changes Seating position
PJBearSL: 4077: Visiting the Merrymount Victorian Community Region
PJBearSL: 4078: Visiting the Merrymount Victorian Coummunity Region: Me and a Bunny
PJBearSL: 4079: Visiting the Merrymount Victorian Coummunity Region: The peacock keeps attacking me
PJBearSL: 4081: Visiting the Merrymount Victorian Coummunity Region: Eating Eel on Stick
PJBearSL: 4082: Visiting the Merrymount Victorian Coummunity Region: Won a balloon
PJBearSL: 4084: Visiting the Merrymount Victorian Coummunity Region: Won a Head Buddy
PJBearSL: 4086: Visiting the Merrymount Victorian Coummunity Region