ostrpic: Privatno i javno / There’s no private language
ostrpic: Parking Kubrick
ostrpic: Fluxus 2023 (Gagarinov put)
ostrpic: Not Keith Haring
ostrpic: Degrowth
ostrpic: Pollock naturalized
ostrpic: Playground (guest starring Mark Rothko)
ostrpic: Glasshouse impressionism
ostrpic: Copper-Zinc Duchamp
ostrpic: Joseph Beuys Memorial
ostrpic: Counter-composition (guest starring Theo van Doesburg)
ostrpic: I dream of sneakers / Un chien andalou
ostrpic: Art is Framed
ostrpic: 🇯🇵 (Maksimir)
ostrpic: Maksimir
ostrpic: Il nome della rosa
ostrpic: Pour Marc Chagall
ostrpic: Park Maksimir in Zagreb
ostrpic: Glasshouse realism
ostrpic: Sun sets in Agfa color
ostrpic: A view from the alley
ostrpic: Synecdoche, Zagreb
ostrpic: Što se na lišće dereš
ostrpic: Art is Might
ostrpic: Medium is the Massage