Caroline hoskins: I can't go to sleep until I finish my daily 100 press ups !! Xx💋💋💋💋💋💋
Caroline hoskins: Goodnight girls xx 💋💋💋💋💋
Caroline hoskins: Love my new dress !! Xx 💋❤️❤️💋💋
Laurette Victoria: Laurette Down! Laurette Down!
Julie Desfois: Tenue d'été
Julie Desfois: IMGP0861
chiclebarrage: Fancy a Cwtch..?❤️💋
Caroline hoskins: Different outfit different day same woman ( same woman not sane woman I stress !) have a lovely Tuesday lovelies !! Xx 💋💖💖💋💖💋
Jess 808: 20250204_184853
Caroline hoskins: I'm not exactly a shining example but I do adore shiny clothes , don't you ? ❤️💋💋💋💋💋💋
elliemay19621: Feeling Pretty
Michie Brown: 54242154081_c5120e5cdc_o
Laurette Victoria: Making My Presence Known
Susan_Smith: With and without coat
onur122: Black 😘❤️
Laurette Victoria: A Dramatic Pose!